Professional Services

We use modular and scalable toolsets, which we tailor to our clients’ needs and provide support and training during and after the implementation. This provides our clients with an Internet technology based and service oriented communication platform for the interaction with their partners and customers making business networking and e-Commerce a success.

Most often new solutions must be integrated into already existing environments, preferably without changing the current infrastructure significantly. To achieve this, extensive knowledge and thorough IT and network skills and experience are needed. We provide this know-how and offer the following services and solutions:



Consulting services mostly begin with the analysis of the current situation, which leads to the creation of the most appropriate solution for our customer. If necessary, we support all contractual issues required to implement the new solution.

Design means the adequate combination of own products and services with 3rd party components and services to one comprehensive solution. Our customers benefit from our profound experience in this area.

Integration aims for the implementation of the solution according to common project management procedures and keep the specific needs and requirements of our clients in mind. The objective is to ensure an easy-to-manage operation after acceptance of the new system or business process.

Support is based on a practical and fair co-operation with suppliers and partner companies to meet the quality requirements of our customers and to reflect their security needs.